Filing A Claim for Bodily Injury

Accidents happen, but that doesn’t mean you should suffer the consequences for the following years. Being aware of the right precautions in filing a bodily injury claim will help you obtain just compensation for any damages you experience. This includes any personal injury due to an auto accident that wasn’t your fault, but there are some exceptions. Some states have no-fault clauses that require personal injury protection as part of the liability insurance requirements, and if you are the passenger, some states require you to file with your own insurance company for bodily injury.

As long as you are physically able to do so, obtain all of the information you can about the accident while you are still on the scene. Gathering the names and insurance companies of the parties involved, noting the time, date and location of the collision and a police report of the event can serve as great assets in properly pursuing your claim. It’s always recommended to visit the emergency room directly following the accident to check for any damages you may not initially recognize. Document the ambulance trip if you had one, the treatment you received and the doctor’s diagnosis and the costs of these services.

If you have a small claim and you feel confident in your communication skills,  you may choose to contact the insurance company for the party at fault to open a bodily injury claim – after you receive any necessary, initial medical treatment. However, do not provide any recorded statement.  From there, the claims adjustor will handle all of the required paperwork and gather any other appropriate information regarding your case. When you contact the claims adjustor have your notes ready so you can provide them with your doctor’s contact information, your treatment details, any specialists you may have seen as a result of your injuries and detailed accounts of any pain you have experienced since the incident. Once your claim is processed they may make a settlement offer. At that point, if you are dissatisfied, you have the option to contact a personal injury attorney. To be certain, choosing to contact an experienced car accident attorney right from the start may be the wise choice for any serious injury.


Source: DMV

Posted in General Advice & Tips


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